The factory of Mainawati Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. is located on its own premises in Sunsari. The scope of activity of the company includes both manufacture and supply in local and international markets.
Mainawati Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. maintains a Quality Management System (QMS) with a controlled document Quality Manual. The QMS is reviewed from time to time to ensure suitability and continual improvement. Mainawati Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. has total manpower strength of 544 in it’s 8 departments.
The Steel Fabrication Plant of Mainawati Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. is an entirely covered manufacturing facilty and may be the only such in the country. All units of the production line are housed under one roof measuring about 80,000 sqf. The plant is most modern with state-of-the-art machinery, overhead travelling cranes and mechanized trolley systems. The accent of the plant is on mechanization in order to achieve the highest degree of efficiency and accuracy.
The main production complex comprises of seven sheds. Three sheds are dedicated for manufacturing Telescropic Steel Poles, Telecom Tower, Steel Bridges and other steel items. One shed is dedicated for storing raw materials; three are dedicated for manufacturing distribution line hardware and pole fittings. Apart from this, the factory boasts of having a Galvanizing shed which is about 10,000sqf.